Friday, December 8, 2023

News and Notes for This Week

Good afternoon!

We had a great week in 3rd grade, starting with an outstanding ProKids Show assembly by Tim Hannig and ending with another excellent Mystery Reader! In math, students continued to learn about area concepts, and this week learned about multiplying length and width to find the area of a rectangle. We continue to work on our math facts, and I’m hoping all students can master their facts by the end of the year. In literacy, students continued reading informational texts regarding space and our solar system, and worked to determine main ideas, supporting details, and the author’s purpose for writing informational texts. In science, we concluded our activities regarding mosquitoes (and what environmental factors cause mosquitoes to flourish) and began learning about the relationship between bees and flowers and why we need both in our world. Finally, in social emotional learning, we continued discussing emotion management, including levels of happiness, from content to extremely excited, and how we can manage those feelings when they make us feel out of control.

- 2 more weeks until Winter Break and the due date for December Book Reports! Don’t wait until the last minute!
- Over winter break, iPads will stay at school so the tech department can service and update them so they are ready for 2024.
- Mrs. Luehr says that the beginning of recorder lessons has been great! Keep practicing at home!

That's all for this week. Have a great weekend!

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