Good afternoon! This week in math, students worked on their multiplication facts for 7, 8, and 9, and worked on “break apart” strategies to simplify multiplication problems. We will continue working on multiplication strategies and grouping next week as well. In literacy, we explored the concept of theme in stories, which can be complex for third graders, as theme is not explicitly stated in texts. In our discussions, we talked about fables and stories that teach lessons as a way to identify a story’s theme, but students had a harder time identifying themes in their small groups. We will continue this work next week. In social studies, we continued our work on cardinal directions, geography, and landmarks. Finally, in social emotional learning, we concluded our bullying unit by talking about “not being a bystander” when we see bullying occurring to someone else.
- Seesaw has a new logo and redesign! I hope everything works the same as before, but please let me know if you experience any issues.
- In music, 3rd grade will soon begin their study of the soprano recorders. Ms. Luehr informed the students about the unit, and let them know the cost of a new recorder. However, she has since learned that recorder fee was included in the 3rd grade registration fee, and thus many families have already paid for their recorder. Ms. Luehr is very sorry about the mix-up, and will be sending home updated information soon. If your student brought in money today, I have it stored securely with their name on it, and will return it to them once everything is sorted out.
- As the holidays approach, District 23 is participating in a Holiday Gift Card Drive for families in need. The district will be collecting gift cards between the amounts of $10-$25 to bring hope to our families in need this holiday season. (Suggested stores: Target and Walmart) Gift cards can be given to me or dropped off in the front office by 12/6. Thank you in advance for helping families in need have a brighter holiday!
- Finally, next Tuesday is Halloween! Ms. Gage has sent this information already, but I figure I’d attach it as well below. I’ve discussed school rules and expectations with students regarding Halloween already, but I figured I would share it here as well.
Have a great weekend!
PARADE: The Ross/Sullivan Halloween Parade will be held on the walking path behind the District 23 buildings, which is directly behind Betsy Ross and Anne Sullivan Schools. The parade will start promptly at 12:45 PM on October 31st. Parents may arrive anytime between 12:20 PM and 12:40 PM to allow for parking and locating a spot on the parade route. Families may park at the south end of Ross but will need to vacate the premises prior to the arrival of buses at 2:00 PM in order to facilitate dismissal. Parking is also available at the west end of MacArthur Middle School or the Patriot Park lot (in the neighborhood).
Parents may stand anywhere along the length of the walking path to view the parade. Please note that Ross students will be parading on the inside of the path, while Sullivan students will be parading on the outside of the path. Due to this factor, Ross parents should plan to view the parade from the inside of the walking path and Sullivan parents should plan to view from the outside of the path. Please also note that any parents arriving late to the parade will be required to view from the outside of the path.
***In the case of rain or inclement weather, the parade will be held indoors for students and available on live stream for families.
Costumes should be brought to school. Students will have time to change after lunch, before the Halloween Parade at 12:45 P.M. on October 31st. Costumes should be school-appropriate, not offensive or hurtful to others, and should not include weapons, look-alike weapons, or excessive gore. Appropriate masks must be worn on heads in school and during the parade for safety reasons.