Happy Friday Room 106 Parents!
First off, thank you to all of the families I met with yesterday for conferences. It was great meeting and discussing your student’s growth and progress. If you missed your conference or haven’t signed up yet, there are still plenty of time slots available next Thursday after school. Sign up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848A5AD22AAF5C43-44554288-fall
Second, thank you to our Room Parents for an amazing Halloween party! The kids had a blast and the room didn’t get destroyed. Win win!
This week in math, we continued working on grouping using 3 factor multiplication problems and utilizing strategies to simplify multiplication problems. Next week, we will be working on using place value to multiply (for example, 6 x 90) and beginning our unit on division. In literacy, we read historical fiction texts regarding immigration, and explored the concept of cause and effect as a writing structure. In social studies, we completed our lesson on landmarks and will begin our lesson on how geography affects our community and the way we live next week. Finally in social emotional learning, we began our unit on emotion management, learning strategies to deal with big emotions.
There is no homework this weekend, but a reminder that book reports are due Friday, November 17th. A few students have turned them in already and they have been phenomenal! I can’t wait to see the rest.
I also wanted to let families know about a service project being run by Sullivan Ambassadors to collect food for our veterans. It’s a great project supporting those who have dedicated their lives to supporting us. Check out the link here and give if you can. Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v7KEGcQ8waVSEERmNX85It71WyWYby8ZdbLR-KEuVsk/edit?usp=sharing
Have a great weekend!